
fibtg93 small


fib T5.1 (formerly TG9.3) 'FRP Reinforcement for Concrete Structures'

Chair: S. Matthys

Secretary: M. Guadagnini

Working party 'FRP reinforcement' - Convenors: M. Guadagnini, L. Torres

Working party 'FRP strengthening' - Convenors: T. Triantafillou, S. Matthys

Working party 'FRP prestressing' - Convenors: R. Kotynia, Ch. Czaderski


Members and corresponding members:

The task group exists of more than 80 members, representing most European universities, research institutes and industrial companies working in the field of advanced composite reinforcement for concrete structures, as well as representing members of North-America and Asia.


Membership application: visit C5-fibT5.1 on the fib website ( and click 'Get in Touch'.


More info on C5, T5.1 and its members: An fibT5.1 overview list of the members can also be found here (version 2022).